I believe in love at first sight. I mean, fictional characters count right?
So I understand I've been away for a very long time however I have my reasons, they are as follows:
-I'm in a reading slump
- A lot of changes are going on and it's hard for me to deal with them
- I was recently diagnosed with depression
- I've had a tough time with self-harm
Bad things aside I'm okay and dealing with the reading slump I'm in is part of recovery.
So, in order to hopefully blast through some books I'm making a reading challenge for myself. As I'm moving i can't start my challenge until next month, however, it would be a good time to start.
I'm planning to finish a series, start several series's and power through some of those pesky stand alone's.
My summer holidays also start in a few weeks so i'll have plenty of time.
So join me if you wish on a full month of reading commencing on the 1st of August (Woah it's August soon?)
I'll be posting weekly updates ^.^
Happy reading